11 Notable Companies Enabling Decentralized Clinical Trials

by Dana Sokolova    Contributor        Biopharma insight

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The world of clinical trials is undergoing an evolution as the rise of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) brings about a change in the way researchers conduct studies. With innovative technologies and novel approaches to trial management, a new breed of trailblazers is paving the way for the future of clinical research. In this blog article, we'll explore several companies making waves in the decentralized clinical trials landscape, showcasing the progress they have made in recent years. From blockchain-powered data management to AI-driven patient recruitment, these organizations are breaking down traditional barriers and empowering patients to participate in trials with greater ease, flexibility, and convenience.

The space is dominated by large contract research players, like IQVIA, In this post, we will focus on relatively young companies enabling decentralized clinical trials.

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Trialize is an AI-enhanced platform designed to streamline the clinical trial process. It introduces a significant paradigm shift in how study builds are managed and executed, addressing several inefficiencies inherent in traditional clinical trial methodologies.

When inputting the study protocol, Trialize's AI analyses it to extract essential information, such as visit schedules, relevant forms, eCOA scales, and even drafts initial informed consent forms (ICFs).

A notable feature of Trialize is the environment in which its AI operates. The AI resides in a controlled, isolated setting, specific to the client's instance. This isolation ensures data integrity and security while allowing the AI system to evolve in sync with the client’s expanding experience and dataset.

As more studies are conducted through Trialize, the AI's ability to rapidly produce new study builds enhances, effectively learning and adapting to the organization’s specific needs and patterns.

Trialize’s architecture offers a comprehensive, integrated solution covering all aspects of clinical trial management – from Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes (ePRO) to TeleVisits, eConsents, and Analytics. Its interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, drastically reducing the learning curve for study teams.

CASE STUDY: Revolutionizing Clinical Trials: How AI and Automation Reduced Study Build Time from Months to Days

The platform also eliminates the need for extensive training, as most users can familiarize themselves with the system's study build and data entry processes within a few hours.


Deep 6 AI

is a health technology company founded in 2015, specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for decentralized clinical trials. Their platform focuses on patient recruitment, trial feasibility, and site selection by analyzing structured and unstructured real-world data from electronic health records (EHRs) and other sources.

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