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Delta4 AI

Delta 4 is a Vienna-based biotech startup driving the forefront of digital drug discovery and development. Delta 4 leverages on a proprietary computational analytics platform, combined with straightforward biomedical testing and clinical validation of candidate drugs. Our unique approach integrates iterative big data/in silico and experimental screens, offering most efficient matching of clinical indications and compound/drug effect. Our R&D process allows a fast track to clinical stage testing; our methodological core is tailored toward precision for increasing probability of success.

Our focus is repositioning of existing drugs for novel indications. With generating IP for such drug-disease combinations we establish a pipeline of clinically and economically attractive indications. Using a unique methodology Delta 4 aims to significantly shorten the development time and increase the probability of success of drug indication screening. Available safety profiles for approved and repositioned drugs further increase likelihood for success in clinical trials.

As first therapeutic area Delta 4 has chosen an orphan indication leading to terminal kidney failure. Our project team combines significant medical and biological expertise in the renal field, assembling all expertise to address this devastating disorder with high and unmet medical need. In addition to our drug repositioning workflow, best-in class animal models are in place for in vivo testing of candidate compounds. Delta 4 advanced this project to pre-clinical testing, with promising candidates to be forwarded to clinical proof-of-concept. Using our technological platform we are able to identify promising therapeutic areas with attractive IP opportunities, commercial potential and manageable clinical trials.

The Delta 4 team of scientific experts holds a longstanding collaboration in computational biology, big data analytics, biochemistry and medicine, and is complemented by experts in IP, pharma and medtech management. Development of the algorithmic base of the available platform started almost 15 years ago.

Delta 4 has secured initial angel investment and is now seeking series A investment to broaden the development pipeline and advance candidates into clinical testing as well as to parallelize and automate development steps for turning big data into successful drugs.

#startups #AI #drugdiscovery

drug repurposing