18th Annual Pharma IT & Data Congress: Virtual

Oxford Global are proud to announce the PharmaIT & Data Congress as part of our annual PharmaTec Series: Virtual. This unique conference consists of 4 interactive streams and covers key areas such as Big Data, data FAIRification & management, visualisation as well as data handling in drug discovery.
As the volume of data pharmaceutical companies are handling continues to increase, it is more important than ever to look at the latest developments within the field. From data harmonization, FAIRification and data visualization, this is the event to attend in 2020 to stay at the forefront on data science.
Options to attend for free!
REGISTER: https://bit.ly/3dLIJEI
Co-located with the 4th Annual AI in Drug Development Congress and 2nd Annual SmartLabs & Laboratory Informatics Congress
Go Social: Join our PharmaTec Networking Group on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter @PharmaTecSeries and join the congress conversation on #PTECVirtual20
For more information about the event, please contact Emily Hawkings at e.hawkings@oxfordglobal.co.uk or visit the Website: https://bit.ly/2DX4oOw
24 - 25 September 2020 | BST (UTC+1)