Ivan Kondratov

Director Medicinal Chemistry at Enamine    

Principal Scientist Medicinal Chemistry - Enamine Ltd

Contributing Author   in
Novel Therapeutics  

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Articles from Ivan

Professor Sidney Altman

Professor Sidney Altman

Because of the war I’ve missed the news about the death of Sidney Altman on April 5, 2022. Altman is outstanding researcher, who first discovered the catalytical properties of RNA. He shared the Nobel prize in Chemisry with Thomas Cech in 1989. Their research results seem even more important nowadays when RNA-targeted drugs becomes reality.

A Leader in COVID-19 Vaccine Race, and the Bright Future for mRNA

A Leader in COVID-19 Vaccine Race, and the Bright Future for mRNA

Recently my favorite website ENDPOINTSNEWS published a rating of key players in the ongoing COVID-19 vaccine race. Compared to many vaccine developers with announced initiatives in this space, all the 28 organizations in the ENDPOINTSNEWS list stated at least preliminary positive results of their vaccine programs, and are firmly advancing them towards later stages of development. 

By the way, a notorious “Russian vaccine” by The Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology also made its way to this list under the number 6, but I prefer not to touch upon this development. A lot has been said already about this story - to the point, and not so much. 

In this post I would rather talk about the number one in the list, a development undeservedly underrated by the media, which however might be the first to actually enter the global SARS-CoV2 vaccine market…